Thursday, March, 16th, 2023
Attendees: Marce, Ojari, ME, Jaee, James, K. Raee, Dr. J, Lady P, Joseph, Kenny Rae
Think tank Thursday Agenda
Discussion Topics:
Hosting Responsibilities
Need to sent: Ojari, Rashad, Jo
Upcoming Event Teams:
Sight and Sound: March 31st.
Rashad - Director
Kenny Rae - Marketing
K. Raee - Project Manager
Our Sunday Dinner: April 16th
Ojari - DirectorLady P - Assistant
Dr. J - Project Manager
Book Club
Joseph - Director
Marce - Marketing
James - Manager
Leading Responsiblities
As a Director
Develop a Vision for event
Reach out to committee or Chatrooms for team
Set up Meetings to discuss execution
Keep track of Website and registration form for day of assistance and material.
Grants: March 24rd
Time: 2 to 5
Location: LG
ME will lead a grant writing session to build a grant template.
Needs Being Met
ME - KC is ready for an artist in Residence, Open until July.
K. Raee- Clarity of career content and how to use the space.
Marce - Grateful for the space to create.
Lady p - Be more Involved in LG to pratice artistry.