Think Tank Thursday
September 21, 2023
Transcription: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dr35lR4bNVkBJgqo43fjRRcR8TREnmE_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104102528453066050088&rtpof=true&sd=true
List of Attendees and their intentions:
Woke - clarity
Dr. J - learn and love
J. Alex - be the light
non-member Terri Lyn - gain knowledge
Newlee - listen and create solutions
Lady P - gain clarity, give solutions
James L. - provide clarity
M E - even greater energy
Review Previous Meeting Minutes
Discussion Topics:
Founder’s Update - Woke3
Dissolving or diffusing Liberated Grounds (hibernation mode, cocoon mode)
Advisory Board - M E
Chapter Update - Jordan Holland
Quarter Productions - successful
Black Sunday Dinners - successful
LG Media (Needs assistance)
Revenue Streams - James L.
Immediate revenue streams
Friends of LG
Co-working subscriptions
Workshops/Courses (online, in-person)
Artist Manager/Liaison
Vertical Farming Containers
LG Media - Telling our own stories
Financial Advisory Bookkeeping Services
Incubation Center for Creatives and Artists
Ecosystem Update - Jordan Holland (organization update)
Land Development Update - M E
Voting Decisions:
Discuss Strategy for Q4, 2024’
1. LG Media (Fundraiser)
2. Dr. J - A people-centered campaign (Fundraiser)
3. James - Mental Health priority (Community-centered)
Help Needed and Compensation
Partner with Ether for consulting services
Projects above will support stipend for Ether and Business Management Team