Thursday, April 20th, 2023
Attendees: In Person: Joseph, K. Raee, Domi, Donneisha, James, Dr. J, Lady P,
Zoom: Woke, Mah, Tracy Beard, M.E., Jordan, Newlee
Discussion Topic:
Bringing everyone up to speed. (Background)
Prior to the official start of LG the vision for liberation was cultivated by the Advisory Board
Started LG April 2022
We are in Phase 1
ME Made a 2 year commitment and at the end of Year one she is at capacity but she is committed to completing her 2yr tenure
Woke is here to offer support and get back on track to the mission we started towards
Lady P is new here but is willing to volunteer to help lighten the load on other people
Newlee, we have to make room for people to lead then allow them to do that. Tonight is an example of new people looking to step up to lead, we have to allow this to happen.
ME, if this mantra is not being upheld then a founder needs to step in to hold that space, and ME does not mind doing that if need be. This is not an area for chapter members to lead
Newlee proposes that we can’t wait on founders everytime decisions need to be made. Communication should not fall on the backs of just 2 people. Having a better method to disseminate info, because sometimes people cannot show up.
MAH, said the titles are not bringing liberation to me.
Newlee said tonight we are all coming to the table to find solutions. You can say the founders talked about this, but if we didn’t actually talk about it then that's an issue. We are talking in circles and not getting anything accomplished. If we are moving forward but nothing changes then that might be a problem.
People have to feel like they have a voice in decisions
JAH, says in regards to anything related to the changing structure and governance that can wait till after May 1 because at that time we will know who has fulfilled their commitment
Terrica, wanted to remind us that the founder circle would act like a non profit board. Also that there would also be another level/layer between the board and the members/staff.
ME, clarified that is accurate and that even more accurately that board would be likened to a board of Trustees (which will be the the trustees for the land trust)
Tracy, where are we at in regards to this space? How do we monetize the space?
The primary conversation: how do we monetize the space, who is involved in ensuring that the space is monetized
Words from ME
Commitment to two year
Retracting previous statement
Newlee Reflections
Need clarity of how we are moving forward
Would like to see what a more sustainable model for leadership and responsibility can look like.
Keeping the space
Another Org paying Rent
Group of individuals
ME communicated that $3400 is needed to keep the space (This includes the owed rent for April)
LG lease at Buchanan began at $1200 and gradually grew the amount of $2000 per month
As of this month it is $1800
In May it will officially be up to $2000, potentially not yet confirmed.
ME has been asking the Charter members to reach out to 5 people and ensure they are paying their dues and ask them to get back to paying their dues
Tracy, taking a break from the space
Krae has agreed to releasing the space until alignment
Dr. J proposed that we speak to members in regards to dues still being due regardless of a physical space
Closing Remarks
Formation of Membership - AFTER MAY 1
Grouping everyone together
On a different platform - Discord
Relocating Wellness events - AFTER MAY 1
What aspect are we going to focus on - AFTER MAY 1
Courses - Scared women, book club, Artist development
Artist Residency - bringing people out
Culture Exchange
Member Events
Quarterly Productions
Wellness Events
Move out dates
April 27 - Get what you brought
April 30th - a) Yard sale b) Donate