Thursday, August 11, 2022
Liberated Grounds
Facilitator: Angel Adams
Attendees: Woke3, Sicasso +1 (Devonte), Deanna (Jordan), Newlee, Jordan Holland
Initiation: Devonte G. and Jordan
Call to Order (20 mins max)
- Mantra
- Greetings
- Set intentions/affirmations
- Drinking of the water - clear space for intentions
- Sage, smoke, and chill (relax)
- Roll call
- History and context (Review and approve previous meeting minutes)
- Pray and meditate
Open Floor
- Discussion topics
Retreat: September 2-4
Quarterly Production - Deadline to submit: end of September - Jordan has notes
(previous idea) African Style Majorette
Metro Arts - relationship building
Calendar/Schedule - begin adding your hours in the space to the calendar for Newlee and Team to see. Begin adding days for activation.
Voting Decisions
Black Autonomy (identifies as BIPOC/Global Majority) for Founder’s Circle, Charter and Chapter Members. General Membership is open to the general public.
Expectations for the space - Live Above for Founder’s Circle members - “What is understood does not have to be explained”
Action Items:
Welcome Packet for All members + Orientation Dates
QR code for outside of the building
All initial dues are due August 20th
- Mantra